Sold Olde English Bulldogges
For more information, call (803) 339-0410 or email us today.
Milly is a 5 year old blue tri female by Abby and Willy. She is very athletic and extremely smart. Milly loves people. Milly gets along well with male dogs but is not a candidate for a home with a female dog. She has a wonderful personality and always wants to please. She is looking […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Female
$0 (SOLD)
Born 7/19/19 by Abbey and Willy. She is IOEBA registered. Maggie Mae MUST be an only dog! She is very well behaved and house broken. She is a sweet snuggler, loves to chase lizards, very much enjoys walks and car rides. She is not a barker and also does not require a lot of play […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tri Female
$1200 (SOLD)
Gracie is a 2 year old black tri female by Willy and Abbey. She is spayed. Gracie is house trained and crate trained. She is great with children and loves to play. He is very healthy and has a wonderful personality. She does not like cats.
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tri Female
$1000 (SOLD)
Rippy is a 2 year old male Olde English Bulldogge by Violet and Donne born 9/21/17. He is neutered, house trained, crate trained, and has had extensive obedience training. Single dog only home. He is registered with IOEBA. He loves everyone and is great with children. He is a very playful athletic boy and will […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Male
$1200 (SOLD)
Bishop is a Lilac and white male bred by Javis Kennels. He is 87lbs and 18 inches. He is a big teddy bear and just loves everyone and everything always happy and always ready to play. He is a grandson of Pacific Blues Ali. He is the sire of our Blue Ivy and will be […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Lilac Male
$ (SOLD)
Olde South’s Blue Boots is a gorgeous and an extremely athletic blue trindle female by Envy and Donne. She is 5 years old. She is 4th generation for Olde south. Boots is very playful and loves people. She gets along well with all other dogs and has a wonderful temperament. Boots is very good with […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Trindle Female
$900 (SOLD)
Dora is a chocolate tri by Kahlua and Gunny born here at Olde South October 2018. She is a very “bully” girl at 17 inches and 65lbs. Dora is very playful and athletic with great confirmation and no health problems. Dora will be available October 28th. She requires a single dog only home. She will […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Dark Chocolate Tri Female
$400 (SOLD)
Fiona is a blue sable. She is 5 years old and now retired from our breeding program. She is 55lbs and 16 inches. She is a very sweet easy going girl. She gets along well with other dogs. She is house and crate trained. She loves people and will sit on your lap all day […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tipped Sable/Fawn Female
$1200 (SOLD)
Heidi is a black tri by Black Gold and Mr. Wonka born 10/17/17. She is a very stout and bully girl. She has a fun loving personality and is in prefect health. Heidi will do best in a 1 dog home or a home with a docile male dog. She is loves children and is […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tri Female
$800 (SOLD)
Gunny is a a blue tri male by Olde South’s Blue Pearl and Olde South’s Raylan born July 2016. He is a very nice boy with a wonderful temperament. He is mild mannered and very affectionate. Gunny is very smart and has been so easy to train. He is blue ribbon registered with IOEBA. Gunny […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Male
$ (SOLD)
Envy is a striking black trindle. She was bred here at Olde South born and is by the infamous Olde South’s Lavender and Heavy Hitter’s Krusher. Her pedigree includes Joyful Acres Bruno, Legacy, Morpheus, Carrera’s Blue Demon, and HH Notorious. She is a very stout stocky girl and built just like her sire. She is […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Trindle Female
$600 (SOLD)
Lucy is a stunning black tri. She is the perfect Olde English Bulldog with flawless confirmation. Lucy is a full sister to Mack out of Laffy Taffy and Lor’s Top Gun. She is 4 years old, 57 pounds, and 15.5 inches “short”. She is a carrier for the blue and chocolate gene. She will produce […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tri Female
$1500 (SOLD)
Mae is a 5 year old chocolate tri female now retired from our program. She is a granddaughter of Color Me Bad’s Einstein and Devil Ans. Mae is a very smart girl. Her bloodline is very trainable and levelheaded. She is 58lbs and 16 inches. She is house and crate trained. She is great with […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Chocolate Tri Female
$400 (SOLD)
Mack is out of Heavy Hitters Laffy Taffy and by Lor’s Top Gun of Heavy Hitters born 2011. The maternal grand sire is Carrera’s Blue Demon and the grand dame is the infamous Heavy Hitters Stella. Mack’s sire (Maverick) is straight Gargoyle breeding. Maverick aka Top Gun is a chocolate tri with fantastic confirmation and […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tri Male
$600 (SOLD)
Krusher is a brown brindle, weighing 68 pounds and 16 inches at the shoulder. Krusher was bred by Heavy Hitters. He is by Notorious out of Heavy Hitters Precious. He is a grandson of the Carrera’s Blue Demon a blue tri English bulldog and is 2X’s Joyful Acres Bruno. Krusher is very “thick” with amazing […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Brown Brindle Male
$600 (SOLD)
Diva is a rare chocolate tri by Heavy Hitters Black Gold and Heavy Hitters Mr. Wonka. Her grand sire’s (Lor’s Top Gun) pedigree is straight gargoyle. Godiva is a wonderful dog. She is so easy going and very well behaved. She is a smart girl with a great disposition. Godiva is house and crate trained. […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Chocolate Tri Female
$600 (SOLD)
Harlee is by Lucy and Magic. She is an amazing girl. Harlee is intelligent, athletic, and personality plus. She is a stunning blue tri. She is a product of our dedication to producing superior Olde English bulldogge puppies. Harlee is 16 inches and 58lbs. She is house and crate trained. Now retired from our breeding […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Female
$400 (SOLD)
Maybell is a beautiful blue tri. She is by Donne and Murphy born November 2020. She is 58lbs and 15.5 inches. She is a very sweet girl with an affectionate personality. She gets along well with other dogs. She has exceptional confirmation and no health concerns. She is IOEBA registered with a blue ribbon designation. […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Female
$2000 (SOLD)
Angel is a blue brindle at 62lbs and 16 inches. Angel is by Sweet Droopy (Blue Suede granddaughter) and Magic. She has stunning blue eyes and a loving playful personality. She is a vey thick bodied girl with lots of substance and bone density. Her Dame, Droopy, is Hermes bloodline on her sire’s side. Angel […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Brindle Female
$400 (SOLD)
Kahula is a dark Chocolate tri by Heavy Hitters Black Gold and Heavy Hitters Mr. Wonka. Her grand sire’s (Lor’s Top Gun) pedigree is straight gargoyle. Her dame’s pedigree includes Carrera’s Blue Demon and the infamous Heavy Hitters Stella. She is a full sister and litter mate to Godiva. She has taken our program to […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Dark Chocolate Tri Female
$1800 (SOLD)
Lilac is a Isabella/lilac tri by Godiva and Gunny born at Olde South May 2018. She has beautiful marking and a very stout bully frame. She has great confirmation and a very sweet disposition. She gets along well with other dogs and is wonderful with children. She is wonderful example of the quality of our […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Lilac Tri Female
$700 (SOLD)
Olde South’s Minnie Mouse aka “Ella” is a very stocky blue brindle by Olde South’s Blue Lily and Heavy Hitters Krusher. She is a carrier for the tri gene and can produce all variations of blue Olde English bulldogges. She is a grand daughter of Heavy Hitters Magic Stick, 2x’s Carrera’s Blue Demon, 2x’s Joyful […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Brindle Female
$ (SOLD)
Hazel is a blue tri by Lilac and Oscar. She is very athletic and playful. Hazel is the picture of perfect health and has phenomenal confirmation. She gets along well with all other dogs and is very smart. She has been extremely easy to train and will pass her fun loving animated personality on to […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Female
$ (SOLD)
Charlotte is a 4 year old chocolate tri female. She is the daughter of Olde South’s Raylan of USA Bulldogs and grand daughter of Heavy Hitters Lucille. She is 60lbs and 16in. She is a very sweet girl with a playful outgoing personality. Charlotte is house and crate trained. She loves people and gets along […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Chocolate Tri Female
$500 (SOLD)
Ellie is a very loyal girl. She loves people, is very smart, athletic, and extremely healthy. She has an amazing pedigree.
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Sable Female
$ (SOLD)
Lavender is a blue fawn by Heavy Hitters Magic Stick and Heavy Hitters Eleanor born 11/19/2012. She is 2X’s legacy, 3X’s Morpheus, and 4X’s Blue Suede. Lavender is 63lbs and 16.5 in. She is very athletic and incredibly intelligent. Lavender is one of the best OEB we have ever produced with perfect health and a […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Fawn Female
$400 (SOLD)
Molly is a chocolate tri by Murphy and Willy. She is an athletic girl with an affectionate personality. She loves everyone and gets along well with all other dogs. She has a great temperament and is in perfect health. She is crate and house trained. Available for adoption September 25th.
Generational IOEBA registration.
Chocolate Tri Female
$700 (SOLD)
Primrose is an elegant black tipped sable/fawn at 58 lbs. and 15.8 inches. She is by K & W’s Bonnie and Heavy Hitters Magic Stick. Primrose’s dame Bonnie is by Kobe of Heavy Duty. Kobe was bred by Mighty Mac Kennels. Bonnie is also a Rosco P. Coletrain granddaughter on her dame’s side. Prim is […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Black Tipped Sable/Fawn Female
$400 (SOLD)
Ivey is a blue and white female by Olde South’s Lily and Bishop. She is very athletic with no health problems. She has wonderful confirmation and a fantastic bully build. She is 58 lbs and 16 inches. Ivey is very playful and loves everyone. She can produce all rare colors and all variations of tri […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Female
$ (SOLD)
Pearl is lovely brindle female by Maggie and Magic. She is 57 lbs and 15.5 inches. We have had Pearl since birth. She is a wonderful dog and ready for family life. She is 4 years old. She has been spayed and is house and crate trained. She loves people and is very smart. She gets […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Brindle Female
$400 (SOLD)
Gerty is a 4 year old chocolate tri female by Charlotte and Oscar born 12/8/2020. She is so loving and sweet. She is a very smart girl and has been super easy to train. We love her easy going disposition and kind nature. She gets along great with other dogs and LOVES people. She is […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Chocolate Tri Female
$1200 (SOLD)
Abbey is a blue tri by Heavy Hitter’s Ellie and Olde South’s Blue Magic. She is a very smart girl, in excellent health, and has incredible athletic ability. Abbey has a very sweet loving personality. She is crate trained. Abbey is 4 years old and retired from our breeding program. She will do best in […]
Generational IOEBA registration.
Blue Tri Female
$800 (SOLD)