Olde English Bulldogge Articles
Newborn Litter by Krusher and Lavender is here!! 4 More litters on the Way!
March 9th, 2016We are having a very busy spring at Olde South. Lavender and Krusher had 8 beautiful blue pups (4 males, 4 females) on 2/27/16. Six of the new born pups born 2/27 are available. Lily is due 3/14. She is bred to Bishop. We expect blue and white pups in this litter. Ellie is bred […]
Spring 2016 Litters will be impressive!!
January 26th, 2016We have 5 Litters on the way this spring. Lavender is bred to Krusher pups are due March 1st and can go home April 30th. Lily is bred to Bishop due March 13th pups can go home May 7th. Ellie is bred to Donne due March 21st pups can go home may 14th. Pearl is […]
Old English Bulldog Puppies FRAUD ALERT!!!
September 29th, 2015I was recently exposed to a fraud attempt by a scammer who stole photos of my old English bulldogs puppies from my website and facebook page. This person was most likely not in the US. He had posted a profile on facebook using the name Jeremy Maxwell. He recently changed his profile to James Mark. […]
How to safely ship Olde English Bulldogge Puppies
August 24th, 2015Shipping Olde English bulldogge puppies can be done very safely to any part of the continental United States and Alaska for a flat fee of $350. Both Delta and United have a pet safe program to ensure the puppies receives the best care during their journey from qualified attendants. A flight health certificate is required […]
Old English Bulldog Puppy Purchase Policy
April 8th, 2015There are several ways to purchase a puppy from Olde South. We welcome visitors to view our puppies, meet the adult dogs, and tour our facility with an appointment. Buyers are welcome to place a $500 deposit on any puppy that is available to hold that puppy until their release day. We will provide no […]
Our New Blue Tri Sire!! Blue Magic
March 5th, 2015Blue Magic aka Donne joins our breeding program summer 2015. He is by Heavy Hitters Magic Stick and Laffy Taffy. Grandsons to the infamous Morpheus. Blue Magic is stocky but very athletic. He has perfect confirmation beautiful markings and a wonderful temperament. Olde English bulldogge puppies by this boys are available fall 2015..Stay tuned!!!
Newborn Old English Bulldogs puppies
October 6th, 2014Newborn Old English bulldogs puppies are almost 2 weeks old when their eyes start to open. They will be eating solid food and walking at 4 weeks of age. Old English bulldogs puppies change a lot in the first 6 weeks of life. Our pups go from being very fragile to playful, chubby, and indestructible. […]
Rare Color inheritance in my Old English bulldogs puppies
September 23rd, 2014Geno=gene (deals with what the dogs actual genes look like), pheno (P is for picture, deals with what the dog physically looks like, the physical picture of the dog). You can also consider genotype is what is on the inside, phenotype is what is on the outside. There are several genetic locations (Loci) in which […]
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